When you run the tool, it runs against the update that you specify. It can also be a failure to replicate the update to child primary sites. A failed state can mean the update download remains in progress but is stuck and taking an excessively long time, perhaps hours longer than your historical expectations for update packages of similar size. You can use this tool when an in-console update has not yet installed and is in a failed state. I noticed the SCCM update was stuck at downloading state while I was installing Configuration Manager Technical Preview 1905. How to Fix SCCM Updates Stuck in Downloading State Note – If the update package is in a post download state, the tool does not clean up the package. CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S SQLServerFQDN -D CM_SiteCode -P 706e6a13-d541-4f7e-bf82-3b14efaed35f The below command force deletes the problematic update package. Scenario 2 – You run the command mentioned in Scenario 1 and yet you see the issue still remains. CMUpdateReset.exe -S SQLServerFQDN -D CM_SiteCode -P 706e6a13-d541-4f7e-bf82-3b14efaed35f So the easiest way to reset an update in this situation is to use below command. Scenario 1 – You notice that update is stuck in downloading state. Let me present two scenarios that will help you decide which command to run. Using SCCM update reset tool, you can either reset an update that has download problems or force delete the problematic SCCM update package. Now that you know about Configuration Manager update reset tool, you must know how to use SCCM update reset tool. You must run this tool on top-level site of the hierarchy.Local Administrator on the computer that hosts the service connection point.Local Administrator on the top-level site of your hierarchy.To set these permissions, you can add the user account as a member of the db_datawriter and db_datareader fixed database roles on the SCCM database of each site.This tool doesn’t apply for secondary sites. The account must have read and write permissions to the site database – CAS and each primary site in your hierarchy.The CM update reset tool requires the account to have following permissions to run properly :. Another important point is the tool does not delete successfully installed or downloaded updates. The update reset tool runs against the update that you specify.

But if that doesn’t help and you still see the SCCM update stuck at downloading state, use the CMUpdateReset. Prior to using this tool, try restarting the SMS executive service. At this stage when you right click an update, you see all the options greyed out. What is a failed state – A failed state means that the update download is in progress but stuck or taking an excessively long time. You must use this tool when an in-console update has not yet installed and is in a failed state.

First of all you must know when to use the reset tool.