Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Similar to the mod(s) available to Fallout 4. I will consider requests/suggestions, though. Archived (New Vegas) Weapon Mod Menu not working. There are four main features added by The Weapon Mod Menu: Removal of attached weapon mods. I can see and have access to all the GRA weaponry, ammo, mods etc and got all the radio transmissions and quests at level 1, so I know the DLC is working. I successfully installed Weapon Mod Menu through NMM. This Fallout: New Vegas mod is an alternative background for the dialog topics menu on Vanilla UI Plus. "Weapon mods in Fallout: New Vegas, for the uninitiated, were handled from the player's Pip-Boy. Fallout: New Vegas didn’t have text descriptions for items, so the story had to be told through the appearance of the weapon or armor itself. Extract The Mod Configuration Menu.FOMOD from the archive. I'd also prefer that it plays nicely with 1st Person Animation Overhaul.

New mods were introduced with the new crafting system in Fallout 4. I installed Weapon Mods Expanded recently, but I can't modify anything. WMX-MW: Images with the 'WMX-MW' prefix are from the 'WMX - Modern Weapons' optional add-on, available under the Files tab. Included are tools for one click mod installation and removal, load order manipulation, esp editing, bsa creation and extraction, sdp editing and more. It is also necessary to re-equip any equipped weapons after modding so the weapon model is updated. The Weapon Mod Menu replaces the existing menu when choosing to "Mod Weapon" in the PipBoy. No other compatibility issues are known or expected.